December 2023 ANSI Crossword

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  1. ANSI encourages relevant stakeholders to attend an EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council event on the Transatlantic Initiative on Sustainable Trade (TIST) Work Programme, to provide input on how TIST can achieve its objectives to support this kind of economy.
  2. The USNC has announced a new award competition—the Don Heirman Award Program—for students and young professionals on the topic of EMC, or __________ Compatibility: the concept of enabling different electronics devices to operate without mutual interference when they are operated in close proximity to each other.
  3. The National Emergency Number Association recently hosted a webinar to examine the often-overlooked emotional toll that holidays can take on telecommunicators, also known as 911 or public safety ___________.
  4. Learn the about the latest international standardization activities in a monthly document that lists all work items, including updates on the projects and timelines for technical committees’ work, from these three organizations: ISO, the IEC, and this organization.
  5. ASME’s recent ASMETechCast podcast shed light on the advantages and limits of large-scale 3D printers and equipment used in building this kind of housing, for those with a household income at or below the median.
  6. At the November 16 listening session on implementation of the U.S. Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology, participants discussed the importance of this in preparing the next generation of standards leaders.
  7. Standards support safe online shopping during this non-official holiday, just a few days after Black Friday.


  1. The latest issue of the USNC Current focuses on the impact to standardization by this technology – the intelligence of machines or software.
  2. ANSI’s Company Member Forum included a discussion on the role of Management System Standards and related implementation strategies; the session was named after these evening radio addresses given by former President Franklin Roosevelt.
  3. ISO 215, Health Informatics, with ANSI serving as secretariat, recently released a standard that guides information interoperability during public health __________ that encompass emerging pathogens, including COVID-19, chemical and nuclear accidents, environmental disasters, criminal acts, and bioterrorism.
  4. ISO and the IEC are forming a new joint technical committee on these technologies from this emerging field of physics and engineering.
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December 2023 ANSI Crossword

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